2015년 6월 8일 월요일

Reflection of SHELF Projects

<1st SHELF project -  Nampo-dong Tour>

My team, Choi Sungwon, Han Janghun and me, prepared a lot for our first SHELF
project. In order to introduce hot attractions in Nampo-dong in detail, I searched lots of things including each history of them. In a very natural way, therefore, I could be able to speak about them in English and stretch my skills as well. Plus, we interviewed a couple of backpackers from Holland. Although they are not shown in the video because it had to be cut for proper running time, we could listen their good opinion about Busan. It was the first time that I interviewed foreigners, so it was really impressive to me.

When it comes to pushing myself, I don't think I pushed myself enough. I had full scripts already prepared, so I could not feel that I had to push myself during making the video. However, I think it was my mistake. When I read script, it was getting boring and boring. Also, if I had pushed myself during making the video, I could have felt and learned more. Thus, I decided not to make scripts for next SHELF video (and I actually did not prepare!)

*Related materials;
You can learn more about Nampo-dong in English on the website below:

*language learning point;
How to introduce tourist attractions in English
Knowledge of historical background of Nampo-dong, Busan

<2nd SHELF project - Cooking Class(Making Carbonara)>

Proceeding this project, I focused on pushing myself and did not make any script as I said above. All I needed to do is to remember the word I would use. As a result, I really could enjoy the procedure. Moreover, I could find my weakness. I realized that I am too bad at speaking about some subjects such as cooking. I wrongly knew that I was not that bad at speaking English, but proper words that I would use did not occur to me when I was cooking! So, I felt that I should study things in various categories and read a lot. Also, as making video, I had some joke and it was really fun. Looking back, I tried to be too formal when I did such things. What I learned the most in this project was not specific words or expressions, but the direction which in I would study. If I had not pushed myself, I could have never know these. Thank you, SHELF projects!

*Related materials;
You can enjoy videos about how to make carbonarra on the website below:

*language learning point;
Useful vocabulary while cooking

2015년 6월 5일 금요일

Reflection of the latest video interview.

1) Actually, It has been always hard for me to answer questions in an interview without enough preparations, because I barely know vocabulary, so I am likely to fully prepare for it in advance. However, I couldn't do at this time and I had to answer poorly.
2) I am apt to be afraid of making mistakes in speaking English. That is way I prepare something like an interview with obsession. But, it makes me depressed and lose interest in English. From now on, I decided to push myself to make lots of mistakes without obsession!

2015년 5월 24일 일요일

Analysis of job interview

Most of all, I shoud have said naturally with emotions. I spoke very stiffly even when I described me as a  warm-hearted person! Also, there were so many pauses during interview. I should have been prepared enough. Lastly, I think the content was good.

(I failed to upload the voice record. So, I e-mailed it to you, Professor Denis Parnell.)

2015년 5월 17일 일요일

Analysis of SHELF 1 and Details of SHELF 2

<Analysis of the previous project>
 First off, our video needed to be more interesting. Our group wanted to introduce the history and information of each part in Nampo-dong but it was a little boring. Also, subtitles and maps would make it helpful and more understandable. We should have added them. Lastly, I paid too much attention to use correct expressions. If not, I could make it more lively.

<Details of the further project>
I would like to make basic body-weight training video. I am totally not an expert of weight training, but I keep doing body-weight training for several months and it has been really helpful and effective. The further project video would include how to do pull-up, several kinds of push-up and handstand. It is supposed to shot this Tuesday at the gym I works out.

2015년 3월 15일 일요일

'Modern Family'

I would like to introduce an America TV sitcom named 'Modern Family' 

- a Short Description

This sitcom literally shows 'modern family' in the US. It is not only hilarious, but also 

instructive. Especially in the end of each episode, it reminds us of the importance of 


- Why you find it interesting

Nowadays, in our society, families comes in many different types. living up to the title

'modern family', there are unconventional types of families in this sitcom such as 

families made by international marriage or homosexual marriage. Because I had 

hardly known about those, it is quite interesting to me. 

- Language learning points

The families in this sitcom comes in all age demographics from 5 to 70. Thus, it is 

possible to know their speech habits. Also, clever wordplay, especially pun, is 

characteristic of it. So, you would enjoy this sitcom with fun.