2015년 3월 15일 일요일

'Modern Family'

I would like to introduce an America TV sitcom named 'Modern Family' 

- a Short Description

This sitcom literally shows 'modern family' in the US. It is not only hilarious, but also 

instructive. Especially in the end of each episode, it reminds us of the importance of 


- Why you find it interesting

Nowadays, in our society, families comes in many different types. living up to the title

'modern family', there are unconventional types of families in this sitcom such as 

families made by international marriage or homosexual marriage. Because I had 

hardly known about those, it is quite interesting to me. 

- Language learning points

The families in this sitcom comes in all age demographics from 5 to 70. Thus, it is 

possible to know their speech habits. Also, clever wordplay, especially pun, is 

characteristic of it. So, you would enjoy this sitcom with fun.

댓글 1개:

  1. good preparation. I wonder about some of the words and discussion that students might be interested in.
